'Today Show' Talks Men's Grooming & Fashion Vocabulary


'The Today Show' recently did a feature on the men's grooming and fashion industry, specifically looking at all of the new vocabulary and slang there is within the industry. They called it "Grab Your Murse: The New Guide For The Modern Man". Led by Jenna Bush Hager, here was some of the "mo-cabulary" discussed: 

Man-bag: man bag
Manpris: man capris
Mewelry: man jewelry
Mandals: man sandals
Murse: man purse
Meggings: man leggings
Mankini: man bathing suit
Marka: man parka
Mampered: man pampered
Matt Lauer (whom I've met before) was more metrosexual and definitely embraces taking care of yourself, while Al Roker was more resistent to change. Erin McKean from Wordnik.com explained that "the prefix 'man' or the 'm' in these words to assert the masculinityaround these words for items that are traditionally feminine." Watch the segment below.
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