How To Use A Safety Razor
In the above video, Patrick talks to you about safety razors and why they're better... The finest German workmanship and the best combination of features come together to create these must-have heavy duty razor. Below are some tips on shaving with a safety razor:
The secret to getting better results from using a double edged safety razor is to take the time to learn the proper technique and develop the skills necessary skills to use this kind of razor. Here are some helpful hints.Â
Be HabitualÂ
Make it habit to change your blade once a week, on a set day, so that it becomes part of your shaving routine. A quality double-edged blade will provide about a week’s worth of good shaves.Â
Easy Does ItÂ
Don’t apply too much pressure! Allow the weight of the razor to exert the pressure. Glide the blade along the skin without adding any pressure. If you push too hard, the result is razor burn as you remove the top layer of skin cells, if
not more.Â
Be Strong
Hold the razor firmly and direct it where you want it to go. Some shavers favor short strokes, others prefer long sweeping strokes. Which is right for you will depend largely on your particular beard conditions. Generally speaking, the coarser or thicker the beard, the shorter the stroke should be. A very fine or sparse beard will present less
resistance to the razor and permit a long, smooth stroke.Â
Wrong Angle Will Lead To Mangle
Keep your blade at a 30 degree angle alongside the skin with each stroke - Of course with the many angles of your face it will not always be possible, this angle is the ideal angle the blade should be when you can. By adjusting the razor handle (raising or lowering) you will be able to better realize this angle and this is especially important when following the outlines of your face, including the jawline and chin. People find that short, brief strokes work best.Â
First Contact
The majority of nicks occur when the blade first makes contact. . Prevent this from happening by bring the safety bar in contact with the skin first, then adjust the razor handle until you achieve the 30 degree angle. Once you’ve done this, go ahead and begin your stroke. With experience and practice, this won’t be necessary.Â
Stretch It Out
Keep your skin as taut as possible so that the blade moves more easily across your face. Tightening of skin can be achieved by flexing facial muscles (tightening upper lip, for example), or manually tightening the skin by pulling it in the opposite direction of the razor.Â
Go slow!
The best shave (close AND comfortable) comes with being patient. You need to shave repeatedly to get in order to get faster at it. It’s just like typing - you have to practise to get better at it. Once you have your technique down, it should take you 5-10 minutes to shave.Â