The League Of Extraordinary Moustaches: Episode 1

We're part way into Movember now, but sometimes growing a moustache can be awkward and difficult for many of you. Thankfully for one man, The League of Extraordinary Moustaches is there to help him out.
In the following video, a man who is having insecurities about his moustache progress gets some inspiration and support from The League of Extraordinary Moustaches. The guy has a co-worker/manager that has been making fun of him at work and by the end of the video, he has the courage to stand up to him. The League of Extraordinary Moustaches welcomes bros and all styles of mos. There job is to spread their message of awareness, and helping regular guys feel extraordinary about their mos, no matter how thin or scraggly!
The League Of Extraordinary Moustaches - Episode 1