MASC Talks About Winter Skincare & Grooming On CTV Morning Live

Today, Jamie and Patrick were on CTV Morning Live to talk about some Winter Skincare & Grooming tips for men, and some of the related products that make excellent gift ideas as well.
Chatting with host Aamer Haleem, Jamie and Patrick first talked about benefits of using a face scrub and why guys may be more in need of them in during the winter months. To follow, face moisturizers were discussed - arguably one of the most important parts of your skincare routine.
A trend that was also discussed is for guys to go out their facial hair during the colder months. With that, there are products that can help with new growth itch as well as products that help maintain the cleanliness and softness of the beard.
Moving on from the face, Jamie and Patrick talked about body scrubs and body moisturizers because you can't forget about the neck down!
Watch the video by clicking here.
Products Mentioned In The Video:
Face Scrubs
Beard Care Products
- Bluebeards (all products)
Body Scrubs
Body Moisturizers